Frequently Asked Questions

At Kardia4life Counselling, we address all common questions about our counselling services to help you understand what to expect and how we can support you. Whether you're new to counselling or looking for specific information, we are here to provide clarity and assist you on your journey toward mental well-being.

Hours vary from week to week, but availability will be shown on booking calendar several weeks in advance

Limited evening or weekend appointment times are offered

  • Changes to appointment time can be made up to 24 hours before appointment
  • For cancellations with less than 24 hours notice, please refer to therapy agreement

Therapy is based on your goals. The frequency and duration of counselling will be assessed according to your needs.

  • All attempts will be made to reply by email within 2 business days
  • Automated email responses will inform you if extended absences

Telephone will be used as a second option for sessions